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Age of Consent Chart
Find Law.com
Gay History
Gay Law Net
Guide to Citations
Homepage - Kees Waaldijk
Homepage - Rictor Norton
Homepage - Steffen Jensen
Queer Theory
World Factbook
World Flag Database
Worldwide Elections
Worldwide Governments


Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law
Maastricht Journal
Nederlands Internationaal Privaatrecht Tijdschrift
Netherlands International Law Review
Population Studies Journal
Server for Web Journals

 IPR en Rechtsvergelijking

Brussels Convention
English Private International Law
European and Comparative Law
Hague Conference
IPR Belgiƫ
Staatscommissie IPR
US State Department

 Besturen, Commissies en Bijeenkomsten

11th World Family Law Conference
CLGH Prize
Committee on LEsbian and Gay History
ILGA - Europe
ILGA - World Legal Survey
ILGA - World Organisation
ILGLA Conference - Italy
Ius Commune
Swiss Institute for Comparative Law

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