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Morningstar Programmeren Portal


alles over asp programmeren
Ascii Table - ASCII character codes
NavSurf.com - Web Site Navigation Menus
Aspin: ASP Code
Macromedia - Dreamweaver Exchange
DevGuru Home Page
Snitz Forums 2000
Crash's Site
WebWizGuide ASP Goodies
Microsoft FAQ
HotScripts.com :: ASP
Free ASP Upload
Huge ASP file upload component.
Madness.nl Forum
Using ADSI in ASP - Adam Cartwright
OLE DB Provider Connection Strings

 Visual Basic

Visual Basic Developer Center
Visual Basic links
VBSmart - Home Page
[!] Online Regular Expression Syntax Checker


ASP.NET Web StarterKits
.NET Framework Home
VB.NET Heaven: Free Visual Basic .NET Source Code and Tutorials
YouSendIt | Email large files quickly, securely, and easily!


MyEclipse J2EE IDE - Easy and affordable eclipse plugin development tools

Bol AlgemeenBol Algemeen



Alles over Javascript
DevGuru JavaScript Methods Index
MSDN Reference Window object
HotScripts.com :: JavaScript
Devx Sourcebank
[Mishoo] The DHTML Calendar


HotScripts.com :: CGI and Perl


Caché Objects and Visual Basic
Configuring a Visual Basic Project
The Code Project - An introduction to a post-relational database for .NET, Matisse - Part 1 - .NET
M/Gateway Developments Ltd
Web and Caché Server Pages


Alles over XSL Stylesheets
XSLT Tutorial w3schools
the skew.org XML & XSLT resources
XSLT Replace Whitespace
EXSLT - date:day-in-month


Alles over xml


Alles over SQL
DevGuru Jet SQL Operations Index
Microsoft SQL Server: Setup and Administration - How to change DBO Login name


Alles over dhtml
Ecirce Multiple_X DHTML Web Menu

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